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Searching for outlets

How to search for specific publications.

Veronica Fletcher avatar
Written by Veronica Fletcher
Updated over a week ago

Another way of finding journalists is to use the outlet search.

Navigate to the "Outlets" tab in the menu.

To use the search you'll need to enter a URL from the outlet you want to find, and press search.

You can use any URL from the outlet. For example, if you wanted to search for The Guardian' you could use any of the following:

But searching 'The Guardian' won't work - it needs to be a URL.

The search will return all the outlets associated with The Guardian.

Find the one you're interested in and click on its profile. Here you'll see a selection of journalists who write for the publication.

At the moment there isn't a way to see all the journalists listed under that publication, but this feature is coming soon.

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